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2024-10-25 星期五


13:30-16:00 | 国际影像技术论坛 【International Forum】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 13:30-13:50 讨论点评


2 13:50-14:10 专题发言

The Present State of RT Practice, Education, Ongoing Professional Growth, and Society in Thailand

Sala Ubolchai 泰国放射技师学会(TSRT)
3 14:10-14:30 专题发言

Estimation of Scatter Radiation during Portable X-ray Examination

伍达明 香港兒童醫院 香港放射師協會
4 14:30-14:40 论文发言

A comparative analysis of hemodynamic parameters depending on the changes in ROI’s position in perfusion CT scans

Yong-Seok Choi KRTA,Director of the Adanved Practice Radiological Technologists Examination Institute.
5 14:40-14:50 论文发言

Introduction to the 4th Joint JSRT-JSMP International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology of Japan Radiology Congress 2025 in Yokohama

Takashi OHBA Committee of International Exchange in JSRT
6 14:50-15:00 论文发言

Proton Therapy: the Future of Cancer Treatment in Thailand

Taweap Sanghangthum TSRT,Director of International Deparment
7 15:00-15:10 论文发言

Utilization of PROPELLER technique in acquisition of T2W FRFSE images of the upper abdomen according to patient’s respiratory pattern

Ho Sung PARK GDRTA of Korea, International Director
8 15:10-15:20 论文发言

PACS:RSNA-Teaching File System

梁海宁 香港放射师协会
9 15:20-15:30 论文发言

Updates for Contrast Safety Issue

区志昕 澳门放射师学会MRTA,Director of academic department
10 15:30-15:40 论文发言

Investigate ultrasound-detected morphological differences in the metacarpophalangeal joints between healthy male and female

Xu Jing HKRA,Membership
11 15:40-15:50 论文发言

Principles and applications of time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics magnetic resonance angiography

郑镁玉 澳门仁伯爵综合医院,MRTA,General Secretary
12 15:50-16:00 论文发言

Development of Radiation Detection and Measurement Techniques in Macau

汪艳婷 澳门仁伯爵综合医院,MRTA, Membership
16:00-16:10 | 茶歇 【International Forum】
16:10-18:00 | 介入影像及儿科影像 【International Forum】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 16:10-16:17 论文发言

Reducing Radiation Dose and Contrast Medium Volume in Pediatric Spectral CT Imaging: How is the Second Generation Dual-layer CT do?

任丽臣 郑州大学第一附属医院
2 16:17-16:24 论文发言

Effects of the head tilt angle on image quality and radiation dose in head CT:a phantom study

许宏荣 重庆医科大学附属儿童医院
3 16:24-16:31 论文发言

A Review on-Alternatives for sedation in children’s MRI:   Systematic approach 

陈芳婷 温州医科大学附属第一医院
4 16:31-16:38 论文发言

Altered the dynamic brain spontaneous fluctuations and functional connectivity in children with obstructive sleep apnea: A Resting-State fMRI Study

黄音音 复旦大学附属华山医院
5 16:38-16:45 论文发言

Clinical feasibility study of using deep neural network (DNN)-based reconstruction in fetal brain MRI

刘紫薇 北京大学深圳医院
6 16:45-16:52 论文发言

Microstructural abnormalities of the right hemisphere in preschool autism spectrum disorders

易婷 湖南省儿童医院
7 16:52-16:59 论文发言

Risk factors for portal vein system thrombosis after partial splenic artery embolization in cirrhotic patients with hypersplenism

孙博 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院
8 16:59-17:06 论文发言

Coronary Artery Volume to Left Ventricular Myocardial Mass Ratio in Detecting Primary Microvascular Angina: A Retrospective Observational Study in Chinese Population

孙琳琳 杭州市第一人民医院
9 17:06-17:13 论文发言

TSF technique application in interventional treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations and its significance

盛金平 中国人民解放军西部战区总医院
10 17:13-17:20 论文发言

High-resolution C-arm CT for evaluation of stent expansion and apposition after intracranial stent implantation

余笋 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院
11 17:20-17:27 论文发言

Evaluating the Efficacy of Autologous Blood Occlusion Lung Needle Tract in Reducing Post-Biopsy Pneumothorax Risk in CT-Guided Lung Biopsies

周绍权 重庆市人民医院
12 17:27-17:34 论文发言

Radiofrequency-Thermal effect of cisplatin-crosslinked nanogels for triple therapies of Ablation-Chemo-Embolization

张鸿森 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院
13 17:34-17:44 讨论点评
